Current Issue: July 2016
As we continue our combined efforts to increase Canadian cardholder awareness and utilization of THE EXCHANGE® and Accel® Networks, we are pleased to share the success we have had so far this year, to the benefit of each financial institution participant and your cardholders. As of June 2016 Canadian Exchange cardholders performed 4,441,719 Canadian Exchange Transactions; a 4% increase over the same period in 2015! This was, no doubt, due to our ATM fleet expansion and cardholder awareness initiatives reinforcing that, with THE EXCHANGE® Network, cardholders never have to pay ATM surcharge fees!
As of June 2016 Canadian Exchange cardholders performed 3,245,052 withdrawal transactions savings cardholders over $9 million in needless surcharges and saving our financial institution participants nearly $1 million in premium interchange, due to our lower interchange fees compared to other networks.
With expanded network access and convenience south of the border, Canadian Exchange cardholders also performed 208,884 Accel® ATM transactions and 425,505 Accel® POS transactions.
As we continue our 2016 awareness and utilization initiatives we look forward to seeing more and more Canadian cardholders choosing an Exchange ATM when not using their home financial institution’s ATM, which benefits all!
Please join us in welcoming our newest team member, Andrea Pain. Andrea joined FICANEX Services on June 20, 2016 as our Solution Delivery Manager. Her background includes over 25 years of experience in sales and relationship management, working with financial institutions and major retailers in the ATM, POS and switching services space.
A former employee of Cardtronics, Threshold Financial Technologies and BMO, she has a strong understanding of payment services and transaction processing fundamentals, which has facilitated a quick and easy transition into her new role. Andrea is a graduate of McMaster University and also has a number of years of management consulting experience that brings a process-driven perspective to her work.
Outside of work, in addition to being an active mom of two teenage boys, she is a passionate horsewoman and an avid golfer. Andrea is thrilled to be a part of the FICANEX Services team and is looking forward to the exciting opportunities that lie ahead for the organization and members. Welcome aboard Andrea!
FICANEX Services Board of Directors pictured from left to right: Steve Richards, Director (Teachers Plus Credit Union), Rob Paterson, Director (Alterna), Yann Jodoin, Director (National Bank), Mohamed Ladak, Director (Vancity), Jamie McLeod, Director (Community First Credit Union), Rick Kelln, Vice Chair (HSBC), Chris Goodman, Chair (G&F Financial), absent Marie Mullally, Director (CUA). Also pictured: Andrew Obee, President & CEO, FICANEX Services.
March 29th, 2016 marked FICANEX Services’ 100th board meeting. We would like to congratulate the FICANEX Services Board of Directors on this important milestone, and wish to thank the current and past Boards of Directors for their support of our company on this amazing journey that has benefited all Network Participants and their cardholders. We look forward to exciting times ahead as we continue our efforts on differentiation and distribution with ever-heightened determination!
In this issue of our Member Newsletter, we put the ‘spotlight’ on Motor City Community Credit Union, Frontline Financial Credit Union and Bulkley Valley Credit Union; all of which have found creative ways of reinforcing the unique value of THE EXCHANGE® Network to their cardholders and community.
Motor City Community Credit Union has produced an amazing YouTube video that clearly points out to cardholders that they can avoid paying needless ATM surcharges, that really add up, by using one of the over 3,300 ATMs on THE EXCHANGE® Network. And “THAT’S GOOD BANKING”.
Make sure to watch their YouTube video below. Way to go, Motor City Community Credit Union!
If you happen to find yourself in our nation’s capital you just might see Frontline Financial Credit Union’s van cruising the streets of Ottawa; and clearly displayed on their van is THE EXCHANGE® Network! Frontline Financial may own only 1 ATM, but thanks to our collaborative network their cardholders have access to one of the country’s largest financial institution surcharge-free ATM networks. Thanks for the network plug Frontline and #SurchargeFREEdom to all your cardholders!
Bulkley Valley Credit Union knows that no matter where life takes their members this summer or throughout the year, an Exchange surcharge-free ATM is always nearby. In fact, for members travelling from Burns Lake, BC to New Hazelton, an Exchange surcharge-free ATM is on their way! Way to go Bulkley Valley Credit Union for advertising in your local paper that your credit union is serving your members locally, wherever they are!
As a founding partner of the recently established BC Technology Industry Association (BCTIA) Fintech Program, FICANEX Services President & CEO Andrew Obee attended the inaugural FinTech Day workshop in Vancouver on June 13, 2016. The workshop topic was The Secret to Success, Marketing Lessons from PayPal, which focused on growth and marketing strategies for FinTech startups.
At the event, Andrew spoke, as part of a founding partners panel, on FICANEX Services’ role in the financial services system and working together to help FinTech companies grow.
This is the first of many BCTECH events that will be held and staff of all network Participants are always welcome to attend these events. Please contact our office if you would like to attend one of these events and we would be happy to help make the necessary arrangements.
At FICANEX Services, we believe the key to increasing cardholder awareness of the unique benefits of THE EXCHANGE® Network, and ultimately changing cardholder behaviour, lies in enlightening and educating financial institution employees on the unparalleled value of our network; and that is exactly why we developed THE EXCHANGE® Network Employee Tutorial!
In April 2016, we announced THE EXCHANGE® Network Tutorial and to encourage participation, we held a contest giving employees who completed the tutorial the chance to WIN cash prizes over a 1-month period.
The tutorial and contest were a great success with 113 financial institutions participating, and there are now over 2,000 “Exchange Certified” employees across the country! We even extended the contest by one week so 15 lucky certified employees WON $200 each!
We will keep the tutorial up to date and available on our website so that our financial institutions can continue to use this tool for your employee onboarding and training purposes.
FICANEX Services kicked off the summer with Manulife Bank’s WIN YOUR WITHDRAWAL contest and digital campaign. This contest, aimed to increase awareness and promote the “convenience” of THE EXCHANGE® Network, ran in the month of June. Exchange cardholders had the chance to WIN THEIR WITHDRAWAL back and a total of $2,920.00 was paid back to Exchange cardholders, with the highest individual withdrawal payback being $500.00!
The cardholders from the following financial institution’s WON BACK THEIR WITHDRAWAL:
- Kawartha Credit Union
- OPPA Credit Union
- Libro Credit Union
- Southwest Regional Credit Union
- National Bank of Canada
- Meridian Credit Union
- Mainstreet Credit Union
- FirstOntario Credit Union
- Vancity Credit Union
- Auto Workers Community Credit Union
- Alterna Savings Credit Union
- Frontline Financial Credit Union
A BIG thanks goes out to Manulife Bank for this Exchange Network convenience store awareness contest!
Summer is the time of year where our Financial Institution Participants from coast-to-coast get out in their communities to support local events, and THE EXCHANGE® Network is taking part! THE EXCHANGE® Network plays a key role in providing unparalleled service to your cardholders in their local community and travelling throughout our amazing country!
Team Alterna
We know this and you know this, but do your cardholders or people in your community? We are committed to working with our Financial Institution Participants to enlighten Canadians in every region of our country by supporting your efforts at the festivals and events you have planned over the summer.By promoting your financial institution’s unique value at upcoming local events, along with the full advantages of THE EXCHANGE® Network, you further reinforce the real benefits of banking with you.
Team Community First Credit Union
Let your cardholders know when they bank with you, they’re a part of something bigger… Let’s celebrate this summer together!
The “Celebrate Summer” initiative runs throughout July and August and we already have 25 financial institution events scheduled. It’s not too late to register your event. Contact Megan Brab at to register your event.
In order to promote THE EXCHANGE® Network at your local event, FICANEX Services will provide:
- FREE Exchange logo tee shirts to staff attending the event
- FREE giveaways to passersby at your event booth or table
- FREE “take one” stands and flyers for the event
Your favourite contest is fast approaching! Each year THE EXCHANGE® Network hosts an annual employee contest designed to excite and enlighten employees about the unique value and benefits of THE EXCHANGE® and Accel® networks.
The contest will be held in October so watch your inbox for an announcement to be released in September. As in previous years, if you don’t play, you won’t WIN!
Services has produced, FREE to order, 4X4 ATM decals to reinforce to ATM users to stop paying needless ATM surcharge fees. With hundreds of credit unions and banks with thousands of ATMs on THE EXCHANGE® Network, a surcharge-free ATM is sure to be close by, no matter where the cardholder happens to be throughout the country. Many financial institutions have ordered these decals, however there are still lots available. If you would like to place an order for your ATMs or branches, please contact Megan Brab at
Conferences are a great way to meet many of our financial institution Participants face-to-face, and support the events that are important to you. We are in the process of finalizing our fall conference lineup, and have confirmed the following events:
Celero FinTech Conference
October 4–6, 2016, Lake Louise, AB
Everlink Connections Conference
October 17–18, 2016, Niagara Falls, ON
BCTECH FICANEX Services Sponsored FinTech Day
November 29, 2016, Vancouver, BC
Hope to see you there!